The output mediums i will be looking at and discussing are; Mobile phones, Monitors and printers.
Mobile Phones: This type of evolving output medium has changed dramatically over the years, the first mobile phones were hardly mobile at all. They were handsets attached to a large and heavy battery and costed well over £1000 with little more than 20 minutes of call time. Despite this by 1983 Motorola developed the first truly handheld mobile phone, it cost $3995 with just 30 minutes of talk time, it may not sound like much compared to nowadays smartphones but this was a huge leap forward in mobile phone technology. Following this other companies like Nokia released their own handheld device which like the Motorola weighed around an uncomfortable 800g. By the 1990s old analogue cellular technology was switched to new digital networks which allowed European handset manufacturers to flourish, enticing the arrival of two new phone operators, Orange and One2One. This saw phone prices drop and allowed consumers to get their hands on them. In 1999 Phones were starting to be created that could work in both Europe and the US, the following year the first cell phone with a built-in camera was manufactured by Samsung. The camera was capable of taking 20 photos at 0.35 megapixels and had to be hooked up to a computer to retrieve the photos. Nowadays camera phones can take photos at a massive 12+ megapixels, far more than back in the year 2000, this makes it easier for graphic users to edit on their computer after the photos are transferred as the photo does not need to be converted to a better file format because of the already high resolution. All mobile phones should also now run on 3g compared to earlier phones running on 1g and 2g. 3g is far superior to it's earlier generations even allowing internet to be accessed on phones, this shows how technology has changed over the years. Mobile phones have changed a lot in relation to graphic images too, early mobile phones after they were made truly handheld only needed to be capable of displaying basic games like snake which did not require much graphical capabilities. Nowadays if a mobile phone cannot cope graphically with the many games available for them, which are now far more advanced than snake and require much more to run, nobody would buy it.
Printers: Printers have changed considerably over the years. When they first came out printers were much slower and more costly. The first inkjet printer appeared in 1976, although it wasn't until 1988 the the inkjet printer became a home consumer item. More recently many different types of printers exist not just inkjet, such as; laser printers, photocopiers and dye-sublimation printers. Printing quality then continued to increase as well as the price decreasing over the years making them available to more people. As of today, printers exist in almost every home and office, despite this, certain printers exist and are created for specific purposes, they can be quite expensive, these are the printers used by graphic users. The benefits of these printers for the graphic users include being able to print many pages in a short space of time and printing out higher quality images etc. Another printer that has been created very recently is the 3D printer, it allows 3D objects to be printed out. This printer can actually be used for medical purposes, for example, people disfigured by cancer etc. can have their face scanned and printed out. 3D printers could also potentially even help to cure world hunger, this would be achieved by printing out foods. The 3D printer, although not perfected yet, can take a piece of DNA say from a cow, and print out beef to eat. Printers have changed a lot in relation to graphic images too, back when printers were first created, if you wanted to print out images from your camera or phone you would have to take it to a booth to be developed or printed because they were the only places with the correct equipment to do so. However due to prices of printers decreasing and being made more available, most people now own the necessary equipment to print out their own images. Also advances in camera technology allow photos to be transferred to computers and then printed.
Monitors: Monitors have changed in both appearance and hardware, for example, back when monitors first existed and even up until fairly recently, they used to be extremely chunky with a large block structure attached to the back of the screen. However nowadays monitors are almost paper thin. The old monitors were known as CRT monitors, this stands for cathode ray tube. The CRT monitor used to hurt eyes when used for too long and could only use four colours displaying 320x200 resolution. The next stage in monitor history is the use of VGA, which stands for video graphics array, it allowed a dramatically improved 256 colours and displayed 640x480 resolution. Nowadays monitors can allow 1080p or HD, this allows very high resolution images or videos to be displayed on screen at high quality. The higher quality display granted by modern monitors benefits graphic users by allowing them to create better digital images that can be made through software on a computer. It also allows higher mega pixel/quality camera's to display images on screen.The cons of having monitors with amazing quality is that because they are so good and the health problems related to the old monitors have been fixed, people now use them for leisure not just work. for example, to do the shopping online or play internet games and watch videos. People can also stay sat in front of monitors for very long periods of time now they do not cause headaches etc. this could be considered bad as it means people are stuck sat down inside rather than getting fresh air and exercise.

Very detailed but could talk about more technology and add more pictures :)
ReplyDeleteYou have a lot of good information in your blog and have talked in depth on such topics like mobiles and printers. However you could add more images to make the page look more interesting.
ReplyDeleteread the criteria. You have not answered it in the slightest